

先日の日本美容外科学会総会で前田先生 @doctor.takuma のレクチャーを聞いて、ちゃんと時間と量を決めて飲もうと決めました💪

以前 インスタグラムの#beautytips にもアップしましたが、プロテインは美容にも大事。



前田先生の #proteintips をまとめました。

一日のプロテイン摂取量:最大1.62g/kg (これ以上の摂取は必要なし。覚えにくい方は1-2g/kgとざっくりでok)


プロテイン摂取の回数:一日4回 3時間おきが理想 (ex. 8時、11時、14時、17時)

プロテインの種類:ホエイ、カゼイン、ソイプロテイン? 答えは吸収速度が早いホエイ。(寝る前は吸収速度が遅いカゼイン。)

The Power of Protein for Glowing Skin

To help keep your skin looking, working, and feeling good, don't forget to take protein. 
This is how your skin gets its "glow" and boost your metabolism and makes it easier to lose weight. 
So the question is, what kind, how much, when should I take it?

I attended the Aesthetic Surgery Conference and got a chance to listen to Dr.Maeda's @doctor.takuma (Best Body Japan winner) lecture on how to take protein to build muscles efficiently. If you workout, this is something you might already know but for the ladies who don't work out but want to know the best way to take protein, these are the tips. 

Amount of Protein/day: Maximum 1.62g/kg per day (You don't need to take more than this, studies show that taking more doesn't mean you'll build more muscles.)
Timing: If you workout, take it after you exercise. 
Number of times/day: 4 times/day, every 3 hours. (Study shows that 4 times/day is most efficient for muscle building compared to 2 times and 9 times/day) 
Which kind: Whey, casein or soy? The answer is whey. Whey, a fast-digesting protein is useful after training, and when you might not feel like sitting down to a proper meal. Casein, a slow-release protein, is a great option before bed because it drip-feeds muscle-building amino acids into your bloodstream overnight to rebuild muscle tissue as you sleep. 

#protein #proteinshakes #筋トレ女子 #食事抜くならプロテイン飲んで

【Rejuva Medical Clinic】 By Dr平田玲奈

美容医療は自尊心の筋トレ。 自尊心を鍛えることが美しくなることへの近道。 自尊心の筋トレ=Restore, Rejuvenate and Relax


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